MATH 315: Mathematical Modeling
Course Description
Fall Term 2024
Title: Mathematical Modeling
Course Description: An introduction into the process of developing and interpreting
mathematical models within the framework of numerous applications. We will
utilize discrete, continuous, and probabilistic approaches to explore
applications in a wide range of fields with an emphasis on mathematical models
of proven usefulness in problems arising in the life
and social sciences. We will explore specific models in
population dynamics, epidemiology, ecology, political science,
ecology, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and economics. We will use MATLAB
to implement and analyze several of these models. If time permits, we will
examine simulation models using NETLOGO.
Mathematical Modeling is
a core course in the Applied Mathematics track of the Mathematics major; it is
a prerequisite for the Senior Seminar MATH 715 to be offered in Spring 2026.
Prerequisites: MATH
200 (Linear Algebra) and MATH 226 (Differential
Equations) or by instructor's approval.
CW Option: Students interested in using
the course to satisfy the college's writing requirement should sign up
for the CW section (MATH 315B).
Instructor: Michael
Olinick, 202 Warner, Phone: 443-5559. Home telephone: 388-4290; email: Usual Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday: 9:30 –11
AM and 12:10 - 1 PM; Thursday: 10 AM – Noon, and Friday: 9:30 – 11 AM. I am happy to
make an appointment to see you at other mutually convenient times..
Times: MWF
11:15 AM – 12:05 PM,
Warner 11.
Textbooks: The basic text
will be my book
Mathematical Modeling in the Social and
Life Sciences (Wiley, 2014). There will be a copy of this book, as well as
the Brannan and Boyce Differential Equations text, on reserve in the Davis Family Library.
In addition, there will be many additional notes distributed as well as
possibly some readings on reserve in the library.
Course Materials: See the course webpage at
and/or the course folder on the file server Classes/Fall2024/math0315a.
Requirements: There will
be one evening mid-term examination and a final examination in addition to
required daily homework assignments and an independent project. Ideally, the
project would be the creation, analysis and testing of a mathematical model of
a real world problem of interest to the student, but
it might consist of more extended reading and problem solving or a critical
review of some of the literature in mathematical model building.
The various components of the course
work and their approximate weight in determining a final grade will be these:
A. Homework
Assignments/ Lab Reports [25% of course
B. Mid-term
Examination (Monday Evening, October 21) [25%]
C. Final
Examination [30%] (9 AM – Noon, Wednesday, December 11)
D. Independent Project [20%]. This project
is due no later than Friday, December 6; this is a very firm deadline. More
information about this
project will be distributed next week.
Comments: Topics that I
would like to cover include arms race models, population dynamics, mathematical
ecology, epidemic modeling, cultural stability, criminal justice
systems, residential segregation, opera and the Bible. Mathematical techniques that will be introduced will
include differential equations, autonomous systems, Markov processes, game
theory and computer simulation.
Extensive use will be made of MATLAB. We will also introduce NetLogo, the premiere software tool for agent
based modeling.
Students who
have Letters of Accommodation in this class are encouraged to contact me as
early in the semester as possible to ensure that such accommodations are
implemented in a timely fashion. For those without Letters of Accommodation,
assistance is available to eligible students through Student Accessibility
Services. Please contact Jodi Litchfield or Courtney Cioffredi,
the ADA Coordinators, for more information: Courtney Cioffredi
can be reached at or
802-443-2169 and Jodi Litchfield can be reached at or
802-443-5936. All discussions will remain confidential.
People who are offended by strong
language should skip this note. I am going to use the strongest language I
know, apart from poetry, which is mathematics. In fact, its terseness,
immense analogical power and frequent difficulty make mathematics the poetry of
the sciences. If you haven’t read some mathematics or some poetry lately you’re not having as much fun in life as you could
-Joel Cohen, How Many People Can The Earth Support
MATH 315: Fall, 2024
Course Information
Course Outline (Time may not permit covering all topics; some substitutions
may occur to reflect student/faculty interests)
Introduction: What is a Mathematical Model?
A. The Analytical Approach
B. The Simulation Approach
Deterministic Models
A. Richardson's Arms Race Model
B. Population Dynamics
1. Single Species
2. Interacting Species:
Predation and Competition
C. Deterministic Epidemic
Probabilistic Models
A. Markov Chains
B. Hoffman's Models of Cultural Stability
C. Blumstein-Larson Models of
Recidivism in Criminal Justice System
D. Stochastic Epidemic Models
Models of Decision Making Under Uncertainty or Conflict
A. Models of Economic and Social
B. Game Theory Models of Old
Testament Stories
C. Prisoner’s Dilemma and Tosca
D. Evolutionary
Game Theory
Computer Simulation Models
A. A Hospital Planning Model
B. Agent-Based Modeling and
Residential Segregation
A Deeper Dive into Differential Equations
A. Existence – Uniqueness Theorems
B. Poincare – Bendixson